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r/Games closes down for a day because they can't deal with "Toxic" posts
And these comments are tame as fuck!

And they even made an album for them too so you can laugh at how soy the mods are there that they find these so so horrible

>I know I'd get more replies posting on /mlpol/ but we need new threads elsewhere on the site and it's more fitting here then there
Nigel stells a reddit story about the donald.png
back 2 reddit.png
mlpol versus reddit normies.png
reddit you god damn fuckface.jpg
Excellent. Updating us on the current state of a random gaming board on reddit. On MLPOLs second Birthday. Thank You Nigel. You are truly the blind among the one eyed.
Cheers Vril, but you got the wrong bong I'm afraid, no Glimmernigel here.

I just saw this linked to me and thought it funny plus some different content for here then just the normal cyoa games going on this part of the site.

commie Turkey Empire.PNG
facist ukraine.PNG
the perfect world doesnt exist.PNG
/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General
95270 95837
No one talks about grand strategy games in here, lets fix that! Bronies, weebs and everyone in between welcome!

Talk about grand strategy! From EU4 to Hoi4! New DLCS and weather or not there shit, and Post your empires!
>Ewkraine exists
RTS > GS change my mind
How do you have fun in Hoi4? Feels like the game is rng.
Not sure about RNG in HoI4, but the fun to me is in guiding your chosen nation to glory and success, and powering through the challenges you might end up facing while on your path to global domination. Or the fun could be in setting a challenge for yourself, and seeing it through. Stellaris is especially good for that since you can customize nearly everything about the interstellar empire you're playing as, and everything is randomized so you never have the same game twice.
RTS is for megafaggots

Occupied Equestria - Nightfall
95001 95002 95003 95004
Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
1961 replies and 88 files omitted.
Novice Pussy Handler
Obviously she doesn't want Silver to snitch to her superiors that she's smoking inside the building.
96997 96998
He offers a slight chuckle, remembering a conversation they had much earlier in the day involving something else exiting through the nose.

Wow. That was only today. Talk about long day.

"I have never seen anypony exhale through their nose before." The cigarette smoke tickles Silver's nostrils, activating that craving lodged deep in his mind for a good smoke. He stares longingly at the stick in her mouth. He smacks his lips together idly as he curses himself: he forget his smokes and his lighter in his bags, which are still in the hallway in front of Skies' room.
96998 96999
Yeah, sure. His smokes and lighter are totally in front of Skies' room
She takes another puff, and then looks at Silver with a devious smile
"Well Silver. Star is now pretty sure we're a couple together. He probably thinks we're out having sex right now.
She lids her eyes and then bats them at Silver
"Would you like to be my secret colt-friend?"
She offers the cigarette to Silver
"He's going to believe you are anyways, after all"
Novice Pussy Handler
And thus, Dark Star, for being an impetous, neurotic twat, solidifed his own cucking to be continued forever and ever.
Skies getting manslaughtered by Star when?
The faint remainder of his alcohol blush intensifies upon her suggestion, but it's followed immediately by a soft, warm smile as he takes the offered cigarette. "I would like that very much."

With the practice of 50+ years, he takes the end of the stick in his mouth, and takes a looooooong drag off of it, spending a not-insignificant portion of the remaining smoke over the course of the drag. He holds it there, much like Skies did, before exhaling it in a protracted cloud out of his mouth, symbolically sealing the deal.

He takes a look at the Hippo Skies used, and the cigarette he just smoked. On second thought, these look sort of familiar... He gives Skies a semi-amused look. "They say all good relationships are built on foundation of trust. So, since I suppose we are in secret relationship, be honest with me: did you pinch these from my bags when I was not looking?"
>>97000 →
>>97000 →
>>97000 →

Occupied Equestria: The Madness Begins
93001 93002 93007 93147
Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.

Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
1966 replies and 111 files omitted.
Novice Pussy Handler
Roger that. I will await with some intense thumb twidling
Sorry, i kinda wanted to spend time with blue before Dark Star finds out.
What is there to find out?
you know.

>>95000 →
>>95000 →
>>95000 →

Occupied Equestria - Prelude to Coming Madness
Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.

Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1956 replies and 83 files omitted.
"Send the Dragons to the Dread Leauge."
"Verbündete in dem Sinne, dass wir zusammengearbeitet haben, und sie haben bewiesen, dass man ihnen vertrauen kann. Sie haben von Ihnen beiden gewusst und ihren Mund geschlossen, und das allein ist heutzutage eine Seltenheit."
Replies to the next post to go in the new thread
93002 93003 93085
I really feel like making placing the tiger in the cage more difficult
She looks through, her eyes are wide and her ears perk up

"I don't know if I want to give the necromancers dragons"

Kerr looks at Brie
"Wer bist du genau?"
Then he blinks
NEW THREAD >>93000 →
"Ich heiße Brie Achtzig Sechs und habe vor, die U-Bahn von Baltimare zu regieren." Brie says with more than a hint of a smile.

Girls Frontline thread
Has Anyone had any experience with this game? i tryed to Download it but when it gets about half way through getting all the packets downloaded, it crashes. i would love to know if its a good game or worth playing before i go through the hell of trying to Download it again.
84301 90133
As far as games in the "collect cute girls" genre go, it's okay. Probably even one of the better ones, since combat has a strategic map where you move units around a map and capture sectors, and can see the enemy units and defend against them and such. In-combat you can also reposition your units to take heat off of wounded ones and such. There's also some minor strategy to squad building, since each unit gives a bonus to certain types of other units, but only in certain tiles, so you'll be able to ponder things like leaving a weak unit exposed to get the extra bonus to other units and things like that.
Note that those are all pretty shallow in practice, they're just more than the "press 'fight' and watch the pretty colors that you have no control over" that I've seen from most other "collect cute girls" games.

The art is reasonable, and there's a wide variety of girls/guns, so it's easy to find something to suit your particular predilictions.

The crafting is somewhat interesting. You spend the generic resources to craft all units, so you can get a pretty reasonable amount of units from grinding maps and stuff for resources, in addition to the units you get from grinding the maps themselves.
Of course, later in the game you can use more resources to have a chance at crafting different and more rare units, but it's still just the standard resources you get in game, and not gems or anything.

The story is the same incredibly generic "oh no, the really cool looking evil units are attacking, and you, the brand new on the job but somehow really tallented recruit, have to save us, and no you can't join the awesome looking side, they're evil." that's in most of the rest of the games like it.
Rumor has it that they're going to be adding the ability to capture the enemy units at some point, but that's just a rumor for now, and you still won't be able to side with them, just have them on your team.

In rough summary, if you've ever thought something like "why are mobiles games all so crappy, I'm wasting my time", then I'd say skip it and just browse fanart and such of it. It's better than most games in the genre that I've seen, but it's still just a mobile collection game, and thus has barely any substance.

Also, here's a higher res version of the pic, in case anyone doesn't want to have to iqdb it themselves.
Thanks for the quick rundown anon, i think ill just stick to the fan art and stuff.
I should check out this subforum more often. I'd describe the gameplay as kind of similar to advance wars. The first few levels are kind of plain and straightforward, and it's a bit of a pain grinding girls to level 90+,but the events have progressively been kicking it up a notch. We're currently about two thirds of the way through the "Arctic warfare" event, that has introduced some new gameplay mechanics like one-way paths, one-time use supply caches, temporarily accessible resupply points, and the Jupiter cannon enemy unit.

The story is supposed to start taking off once we start catching up to the Chinese servers,and apparently the lore was heavily inspired by metal gear and command and conquer.

It seems like at some point in the setting's past, alien ruins were discovered somewhere (I forget where since I've only paid cursory attention to the story bits beyond what's available on the English server). Bad shit happened, there was an explosion, and something called "collapse fluid" was released into the atmosphere. Collapse fluid basically corrupts people who come into contact with it into horrible nightmare fuel monsters. The majority of world's population was wiped out after the collapse fluid made its way into the jet stream. Humanity's survivors live in secured enclaves. The "doll" technology used to create these Android girls was developed to create workers that could safely help reclaim territory without risking human lives to exposure to residual collapse fluid.

You play the game in the role of a new commander in the military contractor group "Griffin Kryuger" and are tasked with keeping some territory on the fringes of one of the living zones safe. G&K is kind of a budget security firm since they basically just reprogram civilian model dolls to make use of assorted firearms as a cost savings measure. Government military forces have dedicated military hardware designed from the ground up for combat. The opening chapters have you facing off against Sangvis Ferri, a doll manufacturer where apparently the AI over there went all Skynet and murdered every human employee. However despite basically being the budget mall cops, G&K are pretty much the only ones dealing with Sangvis Ferri because the local government military has bigger problems demanding their attention. Namely keeping the roving hordes of Gigga Niggas and nightmare fuel at bay.

I haven't really paid much attention to what's supposed to happen next, but I think that your scuffle with Sangvis Ferri ends up threatening to expose something that the deep state would rather be kept hidden, so G+K ends up being declared an enemy of the state, and the military is brought down on the heads of both Sangvis and G+K. Resulting in the exile or imprisonment of all of G+K's command staff.

If anyone's playing, send me a friend invite, my friend ID is 44424 (so close yet so far from digits q_q)
>Note that those are all pretty shallow in practice, they're just more than the "press 'fight' and watch the pretty colors that you have no control over" that I've seen from most other "collect cute girls" games
The current content on the English server is pretty easy and can be afked with sufficiently leveled teams, but I've seen enough from the Chinese server to know that this press go and just watch your girls fight won't continue to fly. The content just keeps getting harder from here on out.

Castlevania Fan Game
67343 67344 67352 67355 89176
So apparently there is a Castlevania game but with poners. Is it any good? They came out with the beta just last year so there might be hope it gets completed.
15 replies and 2 files omitted.
Thanks. I heard that from Luna soon after posting but before getting to delete the message.

Back to irreversible failures, I just heard that apparently Zecora's hut should have become available once you cleared all the nightmare clouds in Manehattan. Well, I killed all I could find and thought that was good enough, but apparently I still screwed myself over without knowing it. I guess there's no point in continuing that character since it's now doomed, which is sad because Heat Meat really grew on me to the point that the next character is going to have big horseshoes to fill.

I'm half tempted to play as far as I can just to make sure normal difficulty isn't a problem, but I hit a wall with the worm boss and would probably need some grinding to get past it.
I've played through it on normal and can confirm that its fine. Also yes, if you don't get Zecora's hut you missed something.
Thanks. Now playing as Magic Bullet the pegasus, I'm at Manehattan again. Just like last time, every time I kill one of those purple clouds a small part of it remains and shoots up out of the screen. Is this normal, or could that be why the level keeps failing? I can't seem to hit the remaining part with anything.
That's normal. I think there's 5 in total. If you die at some point in the level, you have to re kill any in areas you go back over, but not areas you've already passed (ex., if you kill all the ones and beat the mini boss, you don't have to worry about the ones before the checkpoint).
Game finished with a happy ending! At one point I was about to proudly report that Nightmare Moon wasn't invulnerable even in the red rage, but luckily I didn't save the game before checking whether I should have attempted that in the first place.

After playing far with an earth pony and completing the game with a pegasus, I started a new game with an unicorn. Am I missing something about how to play them, because I'm spending huge amounts of time just waiting for my mana to replenish each time after killing one or two enemies. It's definitely not impossible to finish the game even like this, but it feels too slow to be how it's meant to be played.

That said, I really must respect the game how much the classes differ from each other. Even though I ended up using sword the most as both pegasus and earth pony, many of the boss fights make me wonder how I could ever have succeeded at them without the ability to fly. And when I was just starting the game as a pegasus, I was wondering how I could ever complete it without the earth ponies critical art skill.
No, I agree. Pegasus Ponies FTW, followed by Earth Ponies. Unicorns are more consistent with the original game, but meh.
Yeah, Nightmare Moon is far easier if you're trying to kill her, which is the challenge, not killing her.
Flying Rune Sword for the win, and that MF'ing god damned %^&#ing serpent is a pain if you can't fly. Just saying.
If you haven't gotten 100% exploration, it makes for a fun distraction since you're through it. Also, there's plenty to do if you're autistic as far as combining items and doing the secret challenge cave, including a bunch of weapons and such. Also, each level has hidden chest (use the dowsing rods) for super rare items.
Hope you had fun, and glad if you did.

Occupied Equestria, Day 5, Mid to Late Morning
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.

Ash and Iron seem to want to head out from the abbey. Dark Star was having a conversation with the rescued foals after doing community service. Silver is having a surprisingly friendly conversation with Blue Skies about politics. Spark is babysitting and Brie is supposed to be doing the same. Onyx is sleeping.
1783 replies and 78 files omitted.
90999 91001
I have a few ideas.
I too would like diplomacy, because the pacifist build will be next to impossible without it.
"I can't say I have that much experience with them. I couldn't speak the language when I was there. What I can say is that it was more like Equestria in many ways than Nimbusia. They elected their government. They didn't like griffins, and the Stallions there were much the same as Stallions everywhere. It's neighbors were"
She starts looking a bit up, and to the left
"Deponya, Rikejeck... Rikojekavik.. Reykjekvik... River City, and" She makes an expression of disgust "Wittenland"

Alas, if only somepony knew
If only.

"Rijekograd, in River Republic? I have heard of them, actually. They are supposed to be something like 'Equestria of East', yes? I have not heard of Deponya or Wittenland, otherwise."

With a final bite, he finishes off the burger, satisfied with his meal. "It is clear you do not like this Wittenland, for some reason. What is it?"
Plantation Colt
Alright, whenever you're ready to roll, I'll be ready.
I wonder oh I wonder if the GM will at least accept your skills.
NEW THREAD >>91000 →

Game Collection.jpg
SNES 9X Controller.jpg


This Toolkit includes:
~ 250 Retro Games
- Console Engines for 14 Systems (Windows 64 Bits)
- 3 Variants of Patching Programs
- 2 Essentials for MINI SNES Modding
- 1 Piece of Emulator HUB Software


+ + +
I - Introduction
II - Emulators and Launch Box
IV - Retro Fangames
V - SNES Recommendations
VI - Source Links & Videos
VII - Disclaimer
+ + +

I - Introduction

Do you like old games? Are you sick of Triple A companies releasing overhyped 60 dollar titles with day 1 Patches and DLC? Are you dirt poor? Do you think Darth GayBen is responsible for the necrotic rot of the entire gaming industry? Are You bored to death? Would you rather blow a load of hot lead through your cranium than play yet another Koala Doody?

If you answered "Yes" to any of theses questions, then this guide and it's contents are for You. And maybe even if you didn't say yes, you may still get some use out of this thing. I certainly did.

In this guide I will assist You how to create, set up and play your own Retro Gaming collection with entirely free and (mostly) legal software. You can download them in a neat little toolbox I prepared for You or You can get them yourself from their designated mothersites. Furthermore You will find 3 Step-by-Step instructions with illustrations how to use everything You find here, Some overall advice on games and of course all the source material I drew this from over the last month if You wish to look it up yourself.

How I came to make this compilation

I myself knew of the existence of Emulator technology since about 2007. At the time I was not into it for a lack of interest in 16 Bit Era Games as I regarded them as outdated. The whole concept of playing old console games on Computers seemed highly sketchy to me and even if i wanted to at the time, I had zero knowledge how to deal with it and was scared off by the potential problems with the law. I basicly ignored the whole emulation scene for the next decade, occasionally watching videos about old games on Youtube.

All this changed around the end 2016 when I heard that Nintendo was about to re-release an old Console, a new edition of the 1986 NES, a big game collection in an authentic console case with a new oldschool controller. I was curious about the thing, but my ambition was initially stumped for my own lack of love for the system and it seemingly being limited to its 30 title library. I never ended up acquiring one due to the thing being in short supply and the merchandise falling victim to greedy resell scammers.

Unexpectedly I ended finding a certain Retro Gaming Channel in late 2017 that informed me about the impeding release of yet another new re-release System, The SNES Mini. This one I became genuinely interested in and thankfully the production supply was higher and less pestered by scammers than it's predecessor. I caught wind that people managed to hack the NES and I expected it would only be a question of time until the same would be achieved for this version. To my luck I ended up getting one of these MINI SNES' gifted, got into roiding up my machine shortly after and eventually all this culminated in putting together this bulk of text.

But thats enough about that. Before you fall into a Coma lets get right into the meat.

13 replies and 29 files omitted.

Considering that the main product in his line is some Android based Rasberry Pie Ripoff from China that he resells for 200% the profit after he slapped his initials on them, I*d like to think it surpasses him by a considerable margin.
88483 88521 89040
0/10 no Conker
Does this come with the Randomizer programs for games that have them?
88521 89040
Conker MasterRace!
>pic related 4 lyfe
Conker_s Pocket Tales-01.jpg

There is in fact a conker game within the library, in the section for SNES hacks

a highly rated romhack of Link to the Past with an Original storyline including the Squirrel.

If you were looking for the N64 game, You can find a download link here:

I omitted this title on purpose. In my eyes its an overrated game and does not have much going for it outside of the prophanity and the gore. Theres better alternatives available, especially on the same platform (which I included in the collection). The Teddiz were nice, tho. Still, I find it regrettable the developer went down this road instead of creating a more traditional action adventure.


Some months ago heard of this Software, but never used it yet. I might include a copy of it in the future once i know how it works, but since i dont really play the same game back to back several times, I've not felt a need for such a tool yet. Maybe in the future.

Occupied Equestria: Day 5
87001 87029
The Adventure continues

Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.

The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'

Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
2006 replies and 54 files omitted.
That Hippie With No Money
You know, I like to talk about meta a lot, but it's never been my intention to break the game or derail the story in a way that wouldn't be fun.
I just feel like it's part of the fun of the game to explore your class features, so that you can better fit your niche in the party. Pointing out powers and abilities, or specializing/optimizing a character shouldn't ever mean using your abilities in an abusive way. Class abilities are fun, but they serve no purpose unless you use them in a way that helps the story develop; otherwise they're

Tbh, if you wanna call me a munchkin-player, just know that's really not my intention. In fact, I made this character with the intention of making her the opposite of a munchkin, since my last character (the greedy, misanthropic, mad-scientist of a Warforged Artificer) kind of was one, admittingly; so I wanted to make this character in a style that valued character, personality and RP over power, kill-counts and loot.
The metafaggotry is mostly supposed to be my way of me trying to be helpful to the less experienced players; since it's easy to overlook opportunities to play a better character, and Fighters especially don't have very much flexibility after they've already decided all of their feats. I can quit it if it really is that bothersome to anyone, although I'll admit that I kind of do enjoy talking about the geeky stuff...
89108 89109 89110
Who is not kill?
That Hippie With No Money
I am present.
I'm here, just woken up.
Silver (OOC)
I am liv.
That Hippie With No Money
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